Thursday, November 11, 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
The apostle Matthew record’s Peter’s audacious prayer!
Matthew 14:26-28 When the disciples saw [Jesus] walking on the sea, they were terrified . . . Peter said to Him, “Lord. If it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” (NASB)
Have you ever found yourself squarely in God’s will . . . doing what He wants you to do – and the bottom drops out of everything! Christ-followers in the 21st century
want a God who will keep them healthy, help them retire comfortably, and enable their kids to turn out alright! God is committed to one thing when it comes to His followers . . . making them like Himself!
In this passage, Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him across the Sea of Galilee. When they obeyed, they found themselves in a terrible storm: a journey that should have taken an hour took 8 hours!! In Mark’s gospel it reveals, meanwhile, Jesus was on a mountain nearby praying and watching their toil. Finally, between 3 and 6 am He came to the disciples walking on the water! They were terrified and Peter, who often spoke first and thought later, is at his best and asks that he might come to Jesus walking on the water!
No one else in the boat exercised such great faith . . . and make no mistake Jesus loves it when we pray big! Having faith to walk on the storm-tossed sea, Peter, went wrong when he got his eyes off Jesus, and onto the winds! Perhaps Jesus knew all along Peter would sink? But I believe the disciple was a different man that the one who stepped out into the tempest! He had walked on water – unforgettable – but believe me if there was ever a next time, he would remember to keep his eyes on Jesus, who reigned supreme over the wind and the waves!