Friday, November 12, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
The apostle Matthew records Jesus words of prayer from the Sermon on the Mount.
Matthew 7:7-8 [Jesus said] Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Ever hear of a person living abject poverty who died leaving behind millions of dollars they hoarded . . . but never used! Christ-followers scrape along with their sins forgiven – and yet experience no power for daily living because they never pray for it. Grasp the reality that everything needed for living a godly life has been provided to the Christ-follower — but we must take some of that spiritual capital and use it!
Let’s be more specific: the God of infinite power is bending over backwards in this portion of Scripture asking His followers to pray. When the Bible or our Lord repeats something it’s for emphasis! He says: “Ask”, “Seek”, “Knock” Three times God invites us to talk to Him. God wants . . . no, commands us to pray! No, every prayer is not delivered on your door exactly as you requested it! God already knows what some of us have learned — that not every prayer request is best for us. God is not a divine vending machine: but if you’re willing to trust Him when He says “No” or “Not now” then you will find He is far more willing to say “Yes” than you could imagine!
The image in the verses that follow is that of God as “our heavenly Father”! Does a loving earthly father give you everything you ask for? Of course not. But do they long to answer your requests? I believe the key is to surrender your desires to God . . . trust Him . . . want what He wants . . . and the scope of your prayers will be more aligned with what God wants to give you and your prayer life will take off!