Thursday, November 4, 2021
Thursday, November 4, 2021
King Solomon reminds you God sees the good and the bad; the one to reward and the other to judge.
Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching over the evil and the good. (NASB)
We often think evil doers get away with it. No one ever gets away with wrongdoing! This is a lie of the enemy. The Bible says that which is hidden will be made known; eventually punishment will be exacted. Not every time does God take the life of the evil! A friend reminds me to pray for the salvation of those who do evil; something our Lord modeled on the cross!
Every Christ-follower would be hopelessly and justly condemned to — eternal separation from God and the bliss of Heaven — were it not for His amazing grace! Bible-teacher Chip Ingram talks about the “velvet vise” of God that steadily increases pressure on our hearts until we willingly cry out, “I give” — confessing our wrong-doing. If you have a sin God is convicting you of – stop, do not delay in humbly confessing it, and turning from it. If you have never had the sin in your life taken care of, go to and click on the box that asks, “Do you know Jesus?”