Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024
Psalm 127:3-4
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Just as an archer would carefully craft and aim his arrow, so too does God shape and direct our lives, our children’s lives and even our grandchildren’s lives. And each life is designed with a unique path and purpose that has eternal importance. As a parent, you’re called to be a part of that shaping process, but just remember, ultimately, it’s God who helps guide those arrows. So, trust Him as you watch them fly.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024
Isaiah 40:28
Have you no knowledge of it? Has it not come to your ears? The eternal God, the Lord, the maker of the ends of the earth, is never feeble or tired.

You know how you feel at the end of a very long day where you’ve physically pushed yourself to the limit? God NEVER feels that way. He’s never exhausted, never mentally tired, never in need of nap. And that’s good news because it means, He is available anytime, day or night, for whatever problem you’re facing. And if He created the entire world in 6 days without needing a moment to catch His breath, He can help you with whatever challenge is before you today.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024
1 Kings 3:12
I have done as you said: I have given you a wise and far-seeing heart, so that there has never been your equal in the past, and never will there be any like you in the future.

Solomon was one-of-a-kind. He was wiser than anyone has ever been or ever will be, but he still allowed something else to pull his heart away from the Lord. Maybe that’s why, in the New Testament, Paul doesn’t encourage you to become wiser, but encourages you to put on love because what you love ends up consuming you. So, be wise and love God.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
2 Peter 1:10-11
Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Think of it as an investment. The time you spend on earth in prayer, in worship, in studying God’s word, none of it is in vain. It’s an investment in eternity. And the more you can know God on earth, the less you’ll stumble with the things of this world that try to pull you away from Him. So, take time and invest in what’s most important today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Psalm 119:93
I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life.

If you want to pass a test, you have to remember all the things that your teacher taught. And God’s given you some very essential teachings on how to live life in this difficult world, but if you don’t take the time to learn them, inevitably, life will be even more challenging. That’s why the Psalmist promises to never forget the teachings of His great God.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024
John 6:35
And Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life: he who comes to Me shall never hunger; and he who believes on Me shall never thirst.

Every day your body tries to trick you into thinking that filling your stomach is the most crucial part of your day, but the truth is, filling your spirit is much more important. Think about it, when you eat the food of this world, in a few hours, you’ll have to do it again. But when you eat from Jesus, you will never hunger for what the world offers again, because you realize true sustenance is only found in Him.