Family Life’s vision for ministering to single adults is to be a resource to both single adults and the leaders who lead single adult ministries. Using that “vision formula”, the number of lives touched can grow exponentially. Our desire is to help single adults connect with each other and with singles ministries in their communities, along with helping to equip, enrich, and encourage the leaders of these ministries.

Our Vision
Singles Conference
Part of this ministry is our annual Singles Conference which we are pleased to announce is back! The aim of the conference is to help single adults be encouraged and find renewed purpose in Christ. In addition to the inspiring messages, this weekend conference includes times for worship, a variety of workshops, free time activities, as well as lots of opportunities to connect with other single adults.
Not Just Single
With Lisa Karr
Lisa Karr is an Elementary Music Teacher, former missionary to Ethiopia, avid hiker, hockey enthusiast, and super cool aunt.
Family Life Ministries has always played an integral role in her life. Her parents met at a Youth For Christ event at the FLM headquarters in Kanona in the early ‘70s. During high school, she was a member of the traveling musical group Potter’s Clay and was involved in Bible Quizzing.
Lisa hopes that Not Just Single will minister to and encourage those who, like her, are navigating the journey of singleness.