Quizzing is an effective tool that helps motivate young people to learn God’s Word, work together as a team, and expand their understanding of Scriptures. Quizzers usually range from 11-19 years old, however kids as young as 8 may still be eligible to participate with the permission of a coach and a parent’s support.
Bible Quizzing
What is Bible Quizzing?
Quizzing is an effective tool that helps motivate young people to learn God’s Word, work together as a team, and expand their understanding of Scriptures. Quizzers usually range from 11-19 years old, however kids as young as 8 may still be eligible to participate with the permission of a coach and a parent’s support.
Why be involved?
Spiritual Opportunity: Family Life believes that the Bible is the inspired and the infallible Word of God. Because of this, we believe that the reading and memorizing of the Bible places a believer’s heart and mind in a position to be more easily led by the Holy Spirit. This influences a believer’s thinking, behavior, character, and values to be formed by God’s Truth, rather than by our own sinful nature.
Competition/Team Building: We believe it is beneficial for people to have opportunity for healthy competition. Bible Quizzing provides a competitive atmosphere for kids to learn to function as a team member and as an individual competitor, while also learning to encourage their opponents with honest, sportsmen-like conduct.
Support Quizzing
The Family Life Bible Quiz League is hoping to send 6 teams of Bible Quizzers and adult Staff to the Bible Quiz Fellowship (BQF) National Competition this year!
Would you consider this special opportunity to become a sponsor for the FAMILY LIFE BIBLE QUIZ LEAGUE and their trip to the National Competition in Wisconsin?
Gifts of $350 or more will include having your business, church, or name listed on the back of the team T-shirts as a special thank you for being a sponsor!
We truly appreciate your financial and prayer support! Thank you!
To view the donation form, click Here!
Bible Quizzing Maple Tourney
BQF National Bible Quiz Tournament
Are you interested in giving Bible Quizzing a try this season??
First, Find an ESV version of the Bible (2016 Copyright) and start memorizing from chapters 1,4,7 & 22 of the Gospel of Luke.
- Students ages 11-19 can participate.
- New this season will be Junior Quizzing, available for 7–10-year-olds
- You can form a new team, or we will try to find a place for new quizzers on a current team.
- Our quiz season runs from September through March (once a month quizzes) and then the OPTIONAL Nationals Tournament in late April that will be in Green Lake, Wisconsin this year.
- Adults interested in being a Table Official, Coach, Volunteer or a Supportive Parent are encouraged to come, too. We’ll be happy to get you started in your chosen role.
For more information about Bible Quizzing, email Becky Cable: beckycable@familylife.org
We hope to hear from you soon!
Quiz Meet Registration
Quizzers, coaches, and other volunteers can register for quiz meets here.