30 Minute Mongolian Beef

30 Minute Mongolian Beef Ingredients  2 Average Carrots, Peeled and Julienne Cut 1 Large Red Pepper, Seeded and Julienne Cut 2-3 Cloves of Garlic, Minced 1 Tbsp Fresh Grated Ginger Salt and Pepper 1 1/2 Pounds Flank Steak 1/2 Cup Cornstarch 2 Tbsp Canola Oil 1/2 Tsp Ground Ginger 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar About 1/2

Sausage and Chick Pea Pasta

Sausage and Chick Pea Pasta Ingredients 1 Pound Rigatoni 2 14oz cans Chick Peas 1 Stick of Butter, Cut Into Thirds 1 Pound Chicken Breast, Boneless and Skinless Cajun Seasoning 12oz Andoille or Chorizo Sausage, Cut Into 1/4 Inch Slices 8oz Fresh Portobello Mushrooms, Cut into 1/4 Inch Slices 4 Cloves of Garlic, Minced 1


A FRIEND YOU CAN TURN TO Family Life impacts lives with the message of hope found in Jesus Christ through a Christian radio network; events that feature Christian musicians, speakers, and comedians with in-house performing arts showcasing high-quality plays, musicals, and concerts; along with hope-filled biblical counseling for all ages, stages, and families. Listen LiveView

Spring Sharathon 2024

Family Life Sharathons are the primary method of raising the financial support needed to operate the ministry over a six-month period. Sharathons take place as a live, on-air event over a four-day period where announcers share how God works through the various arms of ministry, popular music artists and program hosts are interviewed, and uplifting

Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday, November 3, 2023
Luke 15:7
Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

We will have no enemies in Heaven; the truth is, you don’t have enemies on this earth either. Not a single earthly gripe or disagreement is going to matter in the grand scheme of eternity. The only thing that does matter is where you spend eternity. During this short life God has given you, fight everyday to fill seats at His table, introducing people to the friend you have in Jesus and telling them the good news: Christ died for sinners, wanderers, and enemies, and He died for them too. On this planet, you and I have no enemies… only sheep that have yet to be brought into the flock.

Fall Sharathon 2023

Fall Sharathon 2023 We have exceeded our $2,600,000 goal! Thank you for all your support to Family Life! Family Life’s Fall Sharathon ended at just over $2,080,000 which is 80% of our budget need for the next six months. We witnessed the blessing of the Lord in so many ways, both with the number of