Family Life is celebrating 40 years of radio ministry and thanking the Lord for His provision in growing our radio outreach from just one station to a network of 70 signals across New York and Pennsylvania.


The very first Family Life radio station (103.1 WCIK-FM) went on the air August 29th, 1983. This was a day of pure wonder and excitement as the Lord opened this door of ministry after six years of overcoming engineering and legal issues! It was a small station in a small market, but it was a miracle of God. Little did we realize what He had in store for His work at Family Life in the next forty years!
In the 4 decades since, the Lord has grown the radio ministry to a regional network of 70-signals committed to delivering the message of hope that we have in Jesus through a mix of Contemporary Christian music, Bible teaching and family-oriented programs, and radio dramas.
Over the years, thousands and thousands of lives have been changed, marriages have been saved, hope has been restored, heartaches have been healed, and multiple new generations have been raised to know and love Jesus. All we can say is, “To God Be the Glory”!
New Stream!

As part of our 40th anniversary celebration, Family Life has launched a brand new digital music stream that can be heard through our website or the Family Life Now mobile app.
God’s faithfulness has never changed. But Contemporary Christian music sure has! Rewind is a time machine through the best the genre has offered over the years. Even if you didn’t listen to early “Jesus Music,” you’ll love the simplicity of the messages in these timeless tunes.