Project REACH

One-Day Fund Drive
Wednesday July 12 | 6am-8pm
Goal: $400,000


What is Project Reach?

“Reaching Every Adult, Child, and Home!”

But to make it happen, Family Life needs your support to build/create new signals, enhance existing signals, and take advantage of other radio opportunities in their various stages. But none of this is possible without financial support to cover associated costs. Each year, Family Life takes one day during the summer to approach our listeners and ask them to prayerfully consider what the Lord would have them do to financially partner with these special radio projects.

Project Reach Letter

Have you ever found yourself sitting in your driveway because you did not want to miss the end of a program like Adventures in Odyssey? You knew that the signal was not strong enough for you to listen in your home so you spent those final few minutes in your vehicle with your children or grandchildren even though the ice cream was melting in the back seat!

Have you ever been driving down the road and your favorite song was on only to lose it when you drove through an area where reception was spotty at best? Frustration set in as you missed the best part of the song and you found yourself muttering, “Why can’t they get a better signal here?”

Or have you ever tried moving the radio around in your home because the background noise was just too much to bear? You tried listening online but your home wi-fi was having issues and an over-the-air signal was your only recourse. You have heard about possible expansion of a Family Life signal in your area, but it is not helping you at the moment.

If you can identify with any of these scenarios, then help just might be on the way with Family Life’s “Project REACH”. REACH stands for “Reaching Every Adult, Child, & Home” and it has been an endeavor of Family Life for the past two decades. As many people have contacted the ministry over the years asking, seeking, and sometimes even begging to have a better signal in their area, Family Life has been blessed by the Lord to not only expand its radio outreach but also fill in those hard-to-listen areas that create the demand for an improved listening experience.

This summer, Family Life has been blessed with the opportunity of filling in many of these gaps with a number of new and improved signals. Currently, the ministry is working on three projects started last year:

    1. A new station in North East/Erie, PA at 100.9 FM
    2. A new station in Lewis Run/Bradford, PA at 96.7 FM
    3. An improved signal in Bedford/Altoona, PA at 91.1 FM

But that is not all! Family Life has been blessed to be able to start a handful of other stations that will go a long way in filling in the gaps:

    1.  A new station licensed to Troupsburg, NY at 91.7 FM
    2. A new station licensed to Springville, NY at 91.9 FM
    3. A new station licensed to Columbus, PA (taking the place of the current Wattsburg, PA station) allowing the radio outreach to have a better signal in western PA at 89.3 FM
    4. A new station near Ridgway, PA at 88.9 FM
    5. A possible new station licensed to Kendall, NY at 90.7 FM
    6. An improved signal in the Watkins Glen, NY area at 104.9 FM

So, how did all these opportunities come about? And how will this all happen? We are so glad you asked. As we have experienced for 40 years of broadcasting, the blessing of the Lord is the only explanation for how the network of Family Life’s stations has grown! We give all the glory to the God we serve as Family Life seeks to use each station to impact lives with the message of hope found in Jesus Christ.

How it happens is that the Lord uses people just like you to provide the resources to help cover all the construction costs for these new and improved radio signals. That is why Family Life will be holding a one-day fund drive on Wednesday, July 12 to raise the needed finances to be able to go through the doors that God has opened. You have blessed the ministry this past year with some extremely generous giving. Would you prayerfully consider also having a part in “Project REACH” with a legacy contribution that will be used as part of our matching/challenge gift pool? Your gift will allow the ministry to complete as many of these tasks as possible by encouraging others to become involved. Family Life will only go as far with these projects as God’s people provide.

Recently, one of our staff members was at a men’s conference co-sponsored by Family Life. A speaker at this event was a Marine serving several deployments overseas. He shared in his message of having serious PTSD/drinking issues and all the chains associated with that. During that weekend, he told our staff member this:

“I love Family Life and have been listening for years. When I first got saved Family Life played a huge part in my growth in the Lord. Family Life grabbed ahold of me and lifted me to greater heights that I may not have otherwise known. I thank Family Life for all you do. You guys may never know this side of heaven how great an impact your ministry really has”.

You cannot imagine how exciting it will be to turn on these signals knowing that hundreds of thousands of people will be able to listen to the programming offered by Family Life in their communities. You can be part of “Project REACH” today by making a donation below or you can mail your gift to Family Life; PO Box 506; Bath, NY 14810. If you want to be part of the one-day fund drive, please plan on tuning in on Wednesday, July 12 as we begin at 6:00 that morning. Thank you in advance for helping to Reach Every Adult, Child, & Home!

Serving the Lord through Family Life,

Rick Snavely



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We can not do what we do without the support of our listeners. We want to thank you ahead of time for all of your support and for listening to our Sharathon!

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