Family Life Sharathons are the primary method of raising the financial support needed to operate the ministry over a six-month period. Sharathons take place as a live, on-air event over a four-day period where announcers share how God works through the various arms of ministry, popular music artists and program hosts are interviewed, and uplifting music is played.

Sharathon Goal: $2.6 million
500 for 5

We know that our Creator is the same God who opened the Red Sea for Moses, that helped David slay Goliath, and that gave peace to Jacob in his meeting with Esau!

How is Family Life impacting lives with the Message of Hope?

Sharathon Activities

Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ

Family Life’s Drive Thru Chicken BBQ will be held in conjunction with the Fall Sharathon on Friday, October 11 from 3-7pm! Come to Family Life in Bath, NY for some of Nick’s famous Chicken BBQ, salt potatoes, baked beans, a roll with butter and a bottle of water – all for only $13! You can purchase sodas and desserts for an additional $1 each. Those who come to the Drive Thru Chicken BBQ can be eligible to win Family Life prizes!

More Details

Family Life Virtual 5k

Join us for the Family Life Virtual 5K which will be held in conjunction with Family Life’s Fall Sharathon as the ministry raises support to cover operating expenses for the next six months. You can register online and receive a packet in the mail with your race shirt and race number! Participants of all ages can run, walk, jog, on their own, anywhere at any time between when they register and October 11.

Submit Time

Family Life has experienced obstacles appearing too big to pass through. But in each situation, we knew that we served the same God who has done marvelous deeds.

Want to Listen right now? Listen Online!

We can not do what we do without the support of our listeners. We want to thank you ahead of time for all of your support and for listening to our Sharathon!

Song Title

Song Artist
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Sharathon Sponsor

Thank you to our sponsor for providing special incentives for this fundraising endeavor!  It is our greatest hope that you’ll join with us in extending appreciation for their excitement and willingness to get involved.

500 for 5 Prayer Needs

During each day of the Sharathon, we ask that you would take 5 minutes a day to partner with us in prayer over the following list
Thank the Lord for His continued blessing on His work at Family Life as we celebrate 67 years of reaching people with the gospel. Pray that God would bless the Family Life staff with wisdom and revelation so that we might know Him better.
Thank God for opening the doors for five new stations to go on the air in recent days. Pray that the Lord would use these stations to impact lives with the message of hope found in Jesus Christ.
Thank the Lord for bringing dedicated and talented people to be part of the Family Life team who provide expertise in each ministry department. Pray that God would fill the current staff needs in radio, social media, creative services, and in the kitchen.
Thank God for allowing Family Life to complete the site work at the new headquarters location. Pray that the Lord would miraculously supply the $30 million needed to construct the new building which has a deadline of December 1, 2026 set by the Town of Erwin.
Thank the Lord for the many friends of the ministry who pray for and contribute so generously to allow Family Life to continue with each of its outreach endeavors. Pray that God would speak to the hearts of hundreds, even thousands of more listeners/participants to get involved financially to meet the ministry’s needs.
Thank God for the wisdom He gives to Family Life’s Board of Directors as they set the policies for the ministry. Pray that the Lord would bless each board member with insight and revelation as they look to Him for future expansion.
Thank the Lord for Family Life’s prayer warriors who participate in praying daily for the ministry. Pray that God would significantly grow this coming year the number of those who commit to praying each day for Family Life.
Thank God for the Management Team at Family Life who oversee each department at the ministry. Pray that the Lord would continue to bless Family Life with unity within each department and also between the departments as this team provides leadership.
Thank the Lord for allowing Family Life to broadcast throughout New York and Pennsylvania for 41 years and allowing the radio ministry to now provide quality programming to 75 FM signals. Pray that God would open the doors for some new outreaches that are under consideration that could greatly increase the number of people reached.
Thank God for His provision throughout all the years of ministry as He has used His people to always financially meet the needs of Family Life. Pray that the Lord would bless His work at Family Life this fall with the best Sharathon ever so that all expenses will be covered for the next six months.

We know that when we call on our God, we can stand on His faithfulness!