Hello Dolly
Hello, Dolly! was presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC. This musical adaptation of Thornton Wilder’s hit play The Matchmaker bursts with humor, romance, energetic dance and some of the greatest songs in musical theatre history. The romantic and comic exploits of Dolly Gallagher-Levi, turn-of-the-century matchmaker and “woman who arranges things,” are certain to thrill and entertain audiences again and again.

Jim Hy
I grew up watching Hello, Dolly! only because my sister is a musical theatre nerd and really likes Barbara Streisand. I would be stuck watching it with her and the rest of the family on Friday movie nights when it was her turn to pick the flick. There was no other reason for me, a 12-year-old boy, to appreciate such an absurd film and story. Then I grew up… and the story still seemed odd, farcical and melodramatic at times. That’s because it is. But a story can be presented as a comedy, even a ridiculous one, and still contain characters that are more realistic than meets the eye.
This story, at its core, is about loss and life.
Many of the characters strive to find life and satisfaction in the acquisition of money (As we all know, the American dream is best summed up as life, liberty, and the pursuit of cold hard cash). Some crave adventure, the thrills of puppy love and a lavish lifestyle. But at the end of the day, something true and real and deep has to fill the hole that was left by loss. Otherwise, they’ll never be satisfied.
Perhaps this all sounds cliché, same ol’ same ol’. That’s because… it is. This is the story as old as… well, as old as Jesus. No other love in the history of mankind has ever matched the level of satisfaction and fulfillment than a love for our God who loved us first.